
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 4: Fiber Break

is fruit considered a cheat?....

Last night, I felt a little extra hungry. Eddie goes to the gym around 7 p.m, so he eats later (like 8-8:30... sometimes 9) after Piper is put down for the night so he can 'relax'... Must be nice. But, sitting here watching him devour [healthy] tuna melts with chips, dip, all followed by a candy bar was HARD. I did amazing all day... I was prepared with my foods, supplements, and check off list. My day went so smoothly. Then he killed it. I ended up grabbing another portion (1/2 c) of cantaloupe out of the fridge and ate it while chatting with him about his day. Is an extra portion of fruit considered a cheat?  (Hahaha) It's so funny that I am worried about eating too much cantaloupe when my 'cheat' on a normal day was, oh I dont know... a half jar of Nutella or a king size candy bar. I guess I shouldn't worry, because I hit the gym for a good arm day... So maybe it 'll even out?

I spoke to Lisa (doing the cleanse with me) yesterday and she had a harder day than me. She pushed through, didn't cheat (like I did) and is such a good source of motivation. But, I see now how outside forces can cause you to make bad decisions. She had lunch with her co-workers... on the third day... And she's trying to deplete herself of SODA! (Evil four letter word) Baddd idea, Lisa. She said she felt very tempted, but I'm proud that she didn't reach for it. Lisa is a nurse and works long hours. To keep herself awake, and probably just as a force of habit, she drank soda throughout the entire day. (when we started, on day 1, she said she was tempted to drink what was left in the fridge when she woke up in the morning, but chose to dump it instead. She wakes up at 4:30 a.m!) This is more than a simple cleanse for her. She is not only getting on the road to a clean-eating lifestyle (a huge change) but also breaking bad addictions, like soda... and bad carbs, which a lot of us probably have or do consume, and don't realize how awful is it for you and the impact it has on your body. I know I've been there. 
**doing the cleanse with a partner is so much more helpful to keep going strong. If you are considering doing it, talk to friends and co-workers and get someone to join you. From prepping foods, night texts to see how each other did that day, and the fact that next time you see each other and step on the scale, you want to kind of impress the other, will keep you motivated to not cheat! 

On days 4, 5 and 6, you don't have to drink the fiber drink in the morning. (You go back to drinking it on days 7, 8, 9 and 10) Thank God because I needed a break from that gross-ness. So that was a plus. Other than that, I've had no 'cleansing' effect at all today. I thought I'd be emptying out more often. When they say gentle, they mean it. I stuck to the meal plan to a 'T' and feel GREAT! Truly. Maybe it's the fact that I've found my willpower, maybe it's the Spark, or maybe it's the clean eating, but I'm energized and just overall in a good mood [today.]

Today's Cleanse Menu:
Breakfast: an 8 egg white scramble with 1/2 c red potatoes and peppers, 2 tablespoons salsa
Post workout: shake- 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder with 1 banana
Snack: cashews and 1/2 c cantaloupe 
Lunch: 'big-ass salad' with tons of veggies, 1 hardboiled egg-white, turkey-taco meat, 1 tblspoon oil and 2 tablespoons chipotle infused vinegar (Thanks Lisa!)
Snack: apple and 2 tablespoons peanut butter
Dinner: 3/4 cup chicken + 1/2 cup vegetable stir-fry in low-sodium soy sauce with 1/2 c brown rice

And Piper had... SPAGHETTI! (her favorite)

Stay tuned for tomorrow's update. I'll be posting a grocery list to kickstart the cleanse or to stock your fridge with different clean-eating choices.

..don't be shy, and thanks for stopping by!.. 
*follow me on instagram: everyonedeservesflowers* 
'Like' on facebook: everyone deserves flowers.
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  1. Woohoo, day 4 done. Today was just as tempting as birthday is tomorrow and my other coworker's birthday is our friends at work asked us what kind of cake we wanted...Patrick of course wanted an ice cream cake and I explained to my coworkers I was on this challenge and did not want cake, although the thought was much today they made me a wonderful salad which sat right beside the ice cream cake....but I did not give in and I'm very proud of was so thoughtful and respectful of my coworkers to make me the fruit salad.....thanks!! However walking by the cake was hard....especially on my birthday. So to make myself feel better (hopefully) I came home and did something your not supposed to do....get on the scale....I was so happy, I have lost 8 lbs in 4 days....WHAAAATTTTT??!!! having this instant gratification has made me want to do this even more. Bring on day 5.

  2. Not sure if my comment posted. I am about to start an Advocare AllIN challenge. I was reading your posts and wondered if you had a "meal plan" that you followed. I am trying to prepare as much as possible so I don't cheat on my challenge. :)
